Reporter and cameraman shot dead in Virginia during live broadcast

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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Read what I fucking said instead of trying to put words in my mouth you squirrelly little bitch. Italy has a thing they refer to as the 'north south economic divide', here educate yourself.

Italy's north-south divide in one chart | CityMetric

"To translate that into comparable national economies once again, that means that, while Milan is richer than Sweden, Naples is poorer than the Czech Republic".

That's just one random source among thousands.

So I'll say it again

Italy is a developing country outside of the industrial north.

Educate yourself.

Not that that little lesson has fucking anything to do with the conversation you were dragging me through earlier. Care to check back in an reply to the rest of my post? Or are you happy with your pathetic attempt at condescension.
Agreed, Southern Italy and northern Italy are not equals


Apr 18, 2015
Read what I fucking said instead of trying to put words in my mouth. Italy has a thing they refer to as the 'north south economic divide', here educate yourself.

Italy's north-south divide in one chart | CityMetric

"To translate that into comparable national economies once again, that means that, while Milan is richer than Sweden, Naples is poorer than the Czech Republic".

That's just one random source among thousands.

So I'll say it again

Italy is a developing country outside of the industrial north.

Educate yourself.

Not that that little lesson has fucking anything to do with the conversation you were dragging me through earlier. Care to check back in an reply to the rest of my post? Or are you happy with your pathetic attempt at condescension?
Hey Sweets. You're making good points and you guys are having what to me looks like a decent debate. I removed the insult so as not to undermine that. Please keep it civil fellas.

regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
yeah other than the insult the rest was insightful. both of you made good claims if you avoid name calling you both come off just fine.

IMO you can never go wrong with gun control. the more the better. I highly doubt the "law abiding gun owners" will be able to even draw their guns when it's time. plus there is the mental health issue. almost everybody is fucked up in the head.

just saying, a close friend of mine who has recently been diagnosed with depression has also became a gun freak and purchased two firearms (legally) in the same period.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015

This might provide some more insight, the numbers are gun deaths per 100,000 population. Not very good company for the US is it, more than that look at the disparity between the 'leaders of the free world' and other developed nations. It's 3 to 1 in most cases and way more in a lot of them. The US doesn't just have a murder problem it has a gun murder problem.

regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
What do you mean by this?
even if you have a gun and are trained to use it how certain it is that you'll have the chance/it'll be within reach when you really need it?

unless you carry it all times - which means you're a gun freak after all - say you get home and there's someone there. he might be holding your own gun! or at the very least you'll have to deal with it without the gun. or most likely people jump on you while you're passing thru the garage door or while you're waiting in the car;

so you have a gun in the case that, in the odd day that you get attacked, you might be able to use it, at the expense of having the gun available there at all times when it's not needed and it might be used for dumb shit.

if I was married to a woman and was living with her and had children with her and I came home and found her cheating on me in the fuckin' house where we raise our children, I don't know what I'd do. it would be much better not to have a gun available.


Apr 18, 2015
if I was married to a woman and was living with her and had children with her and I came home and found her cheating on me in the fuckin' house where we raise our children, I don't know what I'd do. it would be much better not to have a gun available.
If that is true, the gun is not the problem.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
even if you have a gun and are trained to use it how certain it is that you'll have the chance/it'll be within reach when you really need it?

unless you carry it all times - which means you're a gun freak after all - say you get home and there's someone there. he might be holding your own gun! or at the very least you'll have to deal with it without the gun. or most likely people jump on you while you're passing thru the garage door or while you're waiting in the car;

so you have a gun in the case that, in the odd day that you get attacked, you might be able to use it, at the expense of having the gun available there at all times when it's not needed and it might be used for dumb shit.

if I was married to a woman and was living with her and had children with her and I came home and found her cheating on me in the fuckin' house where we raise our children, I don't know what I'd do. it would be much better not to have a gun available.
I'm a gun freak because I keep a gun in my car at all times? And have a shotgun for home protection?
I have training and I'm confident that if I had my gun I would be able to atleast defend myself and my family. I really think you under estimate what a trained person can do with a fire arm. These mass shootings done by crazy people are nothingggggg compared to someone who has real and legit training. They give trained people and legal gun owners a bad bad name.

It also sounds like you have anger issues and aren't able to see the big picture if your worried you would physically harm someone for cheating on you.

regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
I'm a gun freak because I keep a gun in my car at all times? And have a shotgun for home protection?
IMO it is very extreme behavior but I acknowledge we might see it from completely different cultural backgrounds. I have only held a gun in my hands twice in my life and only shot once from a .22 for "fun" which I didn't really get much. I'm not sure about yourself but from all I've seen some americans just love guns. don't be offended with the word "freak". in Brazil as far as I know it is very difficult to be able to legally carry a gun. you can legally own one pretty easily, but walk around with one is theorically very strict. for me, in my context, carrying a gun all times is very strange and mostly would be asking for trouble;

I have training and I'm confident that if I had my gun I would be able to atleast defend myself and my family. I really think you under estimate what a trained person can do with a fire arm.
probably. the one reference I have is this friend of mine who had a few classes and carries it for no reason. one of these days his girl happened to be driving all of us to her house and she was driving slow in the fast lane. we saw a light signal behind and this cop car paralleled with us and one lady pig just shouted "Get out of the fast lane bitch" lol and they drove away. now not to mention the weed we had my friend was carrying a gun for no reason, both my girl and his were terrified until the next day. so maybe I'm biased associating guns with stupidity;

(...) They give trained people and legal gun owners a bad bad name.
not imo a crazy fuck like that shooter does not reflect on nothing else;

It also sounds like you have anger issues and aren't able to see the big picture if your worried you would physically harm someone for cheating on you.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I'll address each point

IMO it is very extreme behavior but I acknowledge we might see it from completely different cultural backgrounds. I have only held a gun in my hands twice in my life and only shot once from a .22 for "fun" which I didn't really get much. I'm not sure about yourself but from all I've seen some americans just love guns. don't be offended with the word "freak". in Brazil as far as I know it is very difficult to be able to legally carry a gun. you can legally own one pretty easily, but walk around with one is theorically very strict. for me, in my context, carrying a gun all times is very strange and mostly would be asking for trouble;
Someone who has held a gun 2 times in their life, has no business carrying a gun around or owning one period imo. You wouldn't know what you are doing even if you wanted to do something, being shot at and having to take action isn't a movie, and it sucks that some people think it is (not you, people in general). Me carrying my gun isn't asking for trouble, like I said I keep it locked in my car, not on my person. Its also 110% legal for me to do so.

probably. the one reference I have is this friend of mine who had a few classes and carries it for no reason. one of these days his girl happened to be driving all of us to her house and she was driving slow in the fast lane. we saw a light signal behind and this cop car paralleled with us and one lady pig just shouted "Get out of the fast lane bitch" lol and they drove away. now not to mention the weed we had my friend was carrying a gun for no reason, both my girl and his were terrified until the next day. so maybe I'm biased associating guns with stupidity;
Your friend is not by any stretch of the imagination a person trained to use a gun, he's the exact type of person who sounds like an idiot and shouldn't have a gun period, and if shit hit the fan, probably couldn't hit the broad side of the barn at 10m, so it does no one any good.

not imo a crazy fuck like that shooter does not reflect on nothing else;
He reflects poorly on responsible, legal gun owners unfortunately or else this conversation wouldn't be happening.

Please? Your the one saying you wouldn't want a gun in the house in the scenario because you wouldn't know what you would do. You are the exact type of person who shouldn't own a gun, much like your friend. You know what I would do if I came home to a cheating wife and the guy being there....sure as fuck wouldn't shoot them because shes clearly not worth ruining my life over.

regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
yes I have no business carrying a gun or owning one and I don't want to and IMO maybe we would be better off if no one did that.

to the last point I'm simply acknowledging human flawed behavior. forget you and me think of what 9 out of 10 miserable fucks out there would do. and remember I'm the anti-gun guy! don't worry about my rage outbursts I'm the guy who can't hit hard in sparring and the last time I should've kicked someone's ass I just gently rushed my mom's drunken bf away.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Read what I fucking said instead of trying to put words in my mouth. Italy has a thing they refer to as the 'north south economic divide', here educate yourself.

Italy's north-south divide in one chart | CityMetric

"To translate that into comparable national economies once again, that means that, while Milan is richer than Sweden, Naples is poorer than the Czech Republic".

That's just one random source among thousands.

So I'll say it again

Italy is a developing country outside of the industrial north.

Educate yourself.

Not that that little lesson has fucking anything to do with the conversation you were dragging me through earlier. Care to check back in an reply to the rest of my post? Or are you happy with your pathetic attempt at condescension?
I have extensively educated myself. I've done more research on the topic than most people can imagine. I once felt the exact same way you do, but after putting aside emotion and basing it on statistics (guns as a murder weapon only tell a very small part of the larger story) I realized that my judgment was misplaced, and that what happens with firearms, or knives, or baseball bats, or fists, is not the fault of the tool, but the act of the operator. The U.S. happens to have the perfect blend of extreme disparity between rich and poor, and very few social programs to address these issues. Add those two things together with extremely high racial and religious tension, and you have a recipe for disaster. Factor in easily accessible firearms, and you have the disaster that is their gun murder rate. Taking firearms away would do nothing to quell their systemic problems, which is largely why California who has the strictest gun laws in the United States is still easily in the top 10 for murder rate. You're actually more like to be shot in California than gun loving Texas. You are however more likely to be murdered in Texas. Same way you're more likely to be murdered in the U.K. than you are Italy, it's just less likely to be with a gun. I realized sometime ago that I was incorrect in my assertion that America's problem was the fault of firearms, it would be treating the symptom instead of the cure. The country as a whole is just a very messed up place who does very little to help its uneducated, poor, or sick (physical or mental) Let's call a spade a spade, this is the only country in the developed world who actively fought AGAINST universal health care for its own citizens. Seriously, how messed up is that? But I digress, I didn't say what I did to put words in your mouth, or be condescending. I said what I did because there's no point in having a conversation about a delicate subject with someone who's mind is closed. I can tell based on your previous posts, you weren't even reading mine. I also knew the next post was going to start containing insults, and unnecessary swearing for the purpose of grandstanding. But I think you're generally a pretty good poster, and I really enjoy using this site and the vibe that it has. Turning a thread into a knock down, drag out pissing contest, wasn't going to improve this place, so I chose to walk away rather than sticking around for it to happen.

P.S. To my American brothers and sisters, I love you guys, and I love your country. Don't let my observations as an outsider cause you to think otherwise. I'm just as hard on my own country when we do stupid things.


Right before shots were fired, did he yell FHRITP? i didn't watch...


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
if I was married to a woman and was living with her and had children with her and I came home and found her cheating on me in the fuckin' house where we raise our children, I don't know what I'd do. it would be much better not to have a gun available.
I honestly mean this in the nicest way possible; you sound like you need help. You do realise that most kitchens have knives? Maybe I shouldn't have given you that idea.

I found out my ex wife had cheated on me, as many men have. I didn't kill her, despite not needing a gun to do so. Please don't judge everyone else by your own standards.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Here are my thoughts on gun control. May or may not be relevant, from a UK resident.

In 1996, we had a school massacre in Dunblaine. There was a big public outcry that led to a firearm act that effectively banned hand guns. Everyone was happy. However, what most people don't realise is that after the ban, murder rates INCREASED.

Also worth noting that you can buy a crossbow for ÂŁ50 on eBay over here. Or a recurve bow. I also have a kitchen full of knives, a chainsaw in my shed and a one ton lump of metal in my driveway that I can propel at over 100mph. I don't need a gun if I decide to kill someone.

Some other points to consider: Switzerland has guns. They also have a low murder rate. Sweden has guns. Norway has guns. Homicide rates are low. In the US, Illinois is one of the stricter states for gun control yet Chicago has a disproportionately high murder rate.

Simply put, gun control does not reduce murder.

OK, on to the opinion part of my post.

It seems ridiculous to me to think that making laws will stop lawbreakers. I can't imagine a scenario where a potential murder is prepared to risk life in prison or the death penalty but then changes their mind over a 2 year possession charge (or whatever). You don't reduce crime by making more laws, that's illogical. By definition, criminals break the law.

So why are murder rates higher in the US than other western nations? IMHO it's cultural. An interesting point is that a large majority of US homicides is attributed to black gang violence. If you remove that from the figures, the US murder rate falls to similar levels to other Western countries that don't have the same level of black crime.

I'm not saying black people are to blame, BTW. Quite the opposite; racism is the cause. Of all western nations, the US was the last to outlaw slavery and they had Jim Crow laws until the 1960s. If you deny basic social services (such as education, employment etc) to a large segment of your population, you will create pretty drastic social problems. Most black people are NOT criminals but there are of course lingering effects and these show up in statistical analyses.

As another example of this social engineering backfire, guess which other developed nation suffers from an incredibly high murder rate. South Africa. Apartheid was in place there even more recently than segregation in the US.

So how do we correct these problems? I don't know but I am sure that gun control is not the answer.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
"You know what I would do if I came home to a cheating wife and the guy being there....sure as fuck wouldn't shoot them because shes clearly not worth ruining my life over."- ThatOneDude @ThatOneDude
You clearly don't know what love is.

I'm curious, if your gun is in your car how are you going to protect yourself/family while watching the new Batman film? They don't have concealed permits in Texas?


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
"You know what I would do if I came home to a cheating wife and the guy being there....sure as fuck wouldn't shoot them because shes clearly not worth ruining my life over."- ThatOneDude @ThatOneDude
You clearly don't know what love is.

I'm curious, if your gun is in your car how are you going to protect yourself/family while watching the new Batman film? They don't have concealed permits in Texas?
I'm very aware of what love is, I'm also very well aware of what making an emotional decision can do. If it wasn't for a very good friend of mine I'd probably be in the brig at Ft. Levin worth.

They do have them, I don't feel a need to carry on my person at all times. Having them in my home and car is good enough for me. Just because I have a gun doesn't mean I'm in constant fear for my life, because I'm not. Plus I prefer my couch and surround sound to the movie theaters, I haven't been to one in a longggg time.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
I'm very aware of what love is, I'm also very well aware of what making an emotional decision can do. If it wasn't for a very good friend of mine I'd probably be in the brig at Ft. Levin worth.

They do have them, I don't feel a need to carry on my person at all times. Having them in my home and car is good enough for me. Just because I have a gun doesn't mean I'm in constant fear for my life, because I'm not. Plus I prefer my couch and surround sound to the movie theaters, I haven't been to one in a longggg time.
if it don't hurt it ain't love. We could've met I used to live in the heart of Leavenworth Ks o_O


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
if it don't hurt it ain't love. We could've met I used to live in the heart of Leavenworth Ks o_O
Oh, that would hurt, but it's not worth taking a life over. I donno, maybe I have a different appreciation for human life than most as I've seen violent loss of life and taken life myself. It's not enjoyable


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
Oh, that would hurt, but it's not worth taking a life over. I donno, maybe I have a different appreciation for human life than most as I've seen violent loss of life and taken life myself. It's not enjoyable
Eh. I'm very bitter so I'm not gonna comment :)