Avengers Endgame Official Thread

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Who is the Strongest Avenger?

  • Thor Odinson

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Thor Son of Odin

    Votes: 7 53.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2015
I can't believe they made Thor fat. I kept waiting for a workout montage that never came.
Jan 21, 2015
Saw it last night, blown away.

What a masterpiece! Seriously, there is no rival in cinematic history that even comes close to what this MCU franchise has put together. Absolutely incredible.

I thought Lord of the Rings was an opus but its not even a fraction of this story.

Usually I shit all over anything with a time-travel plot (sick of them, usually cheap writing tricks) but I let this slide and was thoroughly entertained.

LOVED Thor, lol

I still don't completely understand what those who were erased actually perceived when brought back. And how exactly Cap got all the stones back by himself was a bit unclear. You could make a whole new franchise of films showing how the fuck he did that, without a spaceship

Wish Rocket would have had some better moments, I really like that character

Still buzzing. I'll probably go again before it leaves the theatres
Jan 21, 2015
So does anyone have a clear grasp on how exactly they brought people back?

What did those where were erased experience? Did they just move the timeline back as though it never happened, with no memory of the events?

Or did they come back into existence but it's 5 years later?


member 603

So does anyone have a clear grasp on how exactly they brought people back?

What did those where were erased experience? Did they just move the timeline back as though it never happened, with no memory of the events?

Or did they come back into existence but it's 5 years later?

Spiderman said to Tony "hey remember that time I got all dusty? Well I must've blacked out, because when I woke up, Doc Strange said 5 years had passed, and you needed our help".... So no time had passed for the dusted, meanwhile, all the survivors continued their lives (Tony stressed to Bruce no to undo the last 5 years, just bring everyone back to now..
Jan 21, 2015
Spiderman said to Tony "hey remember that time I got all dusty? Well I must've blacked out, because when I woke up, Doc Strange said 5 years had passed, and you needed our help".... So no time had passed for the dusted, meanwhile, all the survivors continued their lives (Tony stressed to Bruce no to undo the last 5 years, just bring everyone back to now..
thanks that's great. I didn't catch that line

Stark/PeterParker relationship was written nicely I thought

member 603

thanks that's great. I didn't catch that line

Stark/PeterParker relationship was written nicely I thought
Yeah that father/son relationship was well developed since Homecoming. The crazy thing is that they knew that they couldn't have gone back in time and fixed the snap from the moment it happened (it would've created a "splinter timeline" from that moment)... However, I feel the real reason they never entertained it was because Tony didn't want (as he stated when mentioning his priorities) to jeopardize his current relationship with Pepper, and Morgan's existence.

Alternate timelines and dimensions will play a role (either big or underlying) for this next phase. I'm looking forward to SDCC and D23 this year to get some better insight to the future.
Jan 21, 2015
Apparently the final episode of Star Trek Voyager was also called Endgame, and also involved a bunch of time travel to undo some shit.

I blame Star Trek, even though they were first. They copied Avengers but in reverse timeline.


Apr 18, 2015
I saw it a second time last weekend with my kids and it was actually more emotional, but my daughter was asking me who everyone was over and over so the emotions mostly turned to rage.
Jan 21, 2015
Some friends saw it the other night and complained that people were whispering and asking questions or being coached throughout the entire movie.

Do your homework or STFU.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
How much glue did you guys huff to think that was a masterpiece?

The heat Captain Marvel generates is hilarious though. She's quickly becoming my favorite MCU character.
Jan 21, 2015
In my experience no visuals in films like this are left to chance or directed willy-nilly. Every shot is carefully storyboarded and pre-designed right down to the colors and lighting, these filmmakers are heavy on detail and visuals. I honestly can't believe that it was random or accident or just sloppy directing that resulted the shield to be placed this way. There must have been a team of folks scrutinizing that shot before, during, and after filming, and FOR SURE the question of the star came up and was chosen to be inverted.

Now maybe it has nothing to do with satanism, perhaps the director was trying to infer something else, maybe its an homage to some comic lore I'm unaware of, etc... but I find CMNH's explanation to be unsatisfying from a filmmaking point of view. You don't sacrifice such a key visual at the very climax of an opus like this for some simple continuity issue. That's Cap's shield. Iconically, the star has always been facing UP.

I thought this stuck out like a sore thumb, and I didn't even have my tinfoil hat on while watching, I left that shit to the side to enjoy the film. However my research into such symbology in Hollywood leads me to think that its not a totally implausible theory.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
In my experience no visuals in films like this are left to chance or directed willy-nilly. Every shot is carefully storyboarded and pre-designed right down to the colors and lighting, these filmmakers are heavy on detail and visuals. I honestly can't believe that it was random or accident or just sloppy directing that resulted the shield to be placed this way. There must have been a team of folks scrutinizing that shot before, during, and after filming, and FOR SURE the question of the star came up and was chosen to be inverted.
and also: