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Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
The context was the economy so I made the assumption that was the value he was referring to. I could certainly be mistaken.
he made it a point that knowledge was the value metric, that's why it caught my eye.

maybe 'merit' would be a better word than 'value'.

But it's a good point that although youth is valuable, it's not an 'infinite' resource for society. Not really infinite, but compared to knowledge far less rare.


Feb 7, 2020
Jesus is about to kill some superspreaders...

Hint: Water + Droplets + ..... Whatever is in that water.....



Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
The context was the economy so I made the assumption that was the value he was referring to. I could certainly be mistaken.
he made it a point that knowledge was the value metric, that's why it caught my eye.

maybe 'merit' would be a better word than 'value'.

But it's a good point that although youth is valuable, it's not an 'infinite' resource for society. Not really infinite, but compared to knowledge far less rare.
The economic dimension is only that essentially the argument of 'let the sick die so that the physically strong can live' once had fairly intuitive utilitarian logic. A primitive society would not allow the physically strong to starve to death just so that it could protect the sick and the weak. The physically fit were far more socially important for the group as a whole.

But in a complex modern society, it's a less black and white argument. Physically vulnerable people may be of far greater social importance than physically strong people - mental capacity is often more important in advanced economies. A functioning modern society wouldn't trade the life of all its top scientists/mathematicians/engineers for all of its top footballers, but far more of the former will die from coronavirus.

Now, the debate is far more complex than that. My panties are simply getting twisted because too many people are getting away with saying 'we need to let group X die so as not to disturb group Y' without being asked 'why is group X expendable and why is group Y so important?'. Actually justify the claim.

For me, the mental health/suicide argument is the one that doesn't hold up. The idea that we should make no effort to save cunts with diabetes just because some other weak cunts might crack the sads and neck themselves to me is a poor moral argument on several levels. That doesn't mean that there aren't better arguments.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
he made it a point that knowledge was the value metric, that's why it caught my eye.

maybe 'merit' would be a better word than 'value'.

But it's a good point that although youth is valuable, it's not an 'infinite' resource for society. Not really infinite, but compared to knowledge far less rare.
First off it needs to be said that the whole idea of picking one group to live and one to die on an arbitrarily defined metric is completely fucking retarded.

Now regarding the idea of "valuing" people as to their importance in society. We already did that. We called them "essential workers" and sent them to work even when we thought there was a better than coinflips chance that doing so could result in their deaths. What they did was the bare minimum required to keep civilization afloat. Everything is if just fluff that can wait for a better day. That being said, the idea that we're going to define "knowledge" might be as stupid as the idea of hand selecting one group to survive and letting the other die.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
Whom is saying that? People here?
Probably. But I am not referring specifically to anyone on here, more just ranting about a nebulous 'they'.

A couple of retarded cunts in my family have made that argument specifically. 'I care about mental health' is usually translated as 'I want to be able to go to the pub and I actually don't care who dies'.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Probably. But I am not referring specifically to anyone on here, more just ranting about a nebulous 'they'.

A couple of retarded cunts in my family have made that argument specifically. 'I care about mental health' is usually translated as 'I want to be able to go to the pub and I actually don't care who dies'.
The people who I've heard make the mental health argument generally preface it with "If you're high risk or just uncomfortable protect yourself, but let those unlikely to kick the bucket do what they need to."

The one I'm hearing here is "Societal costs be damned. Everyone needs to stay in their house until there's a 100% effective vaccine." I even heard one cunt say "Nobody needs to work."


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
The people who I've heard make the mental health argument generally preface it with "If you're high risk or just uncomfortable protect yourself, but let those unlikely to kick the bucket do what they need to."

The one I'm hearing here is "Societal costs be damned. Everyone needs to stay in their house until there's a 100% effective vaccine." I even heard one cunt say "Nobody needs to work."
Well, it's been proven that the best way of mitigating the societal damage of the virus is to successfully suppress the virus early.

The lockdown vs economy argument is a proven false dichotomy. The economy goes to shit with coronavirus spreading like wildfire.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Well, it's been proven that the best way of mitigating the societal damage of the virus is to successfully suppress the virus early.
Correct, but no one wants to do that. People want to be able to participate in the activities they like. It's only other people they want locked down.

The lockdown vs economy argument is a proven false dichotomy. The economy goes to shit with coronavirus spreading like wildfire.
Ultimately time will tell. When this all shakes out I think Sweden's plan well end up aging better than North America's half in half out that both crippled the economy and is letting it spread like a small brushfire rather than full on wildfire.

Deleted member 1

Ultimately time will tell. When this all shakes out I think Sweden's plan well end up aging better than North America's half in half out that both crippled the economy and is letting it spread like a small brushfire rather than full on wildfire.

What do you think the USA is doing differently than Sweden policy wise?

Deleted member 1

As far as I'm aware Sweden didn't ever close schools, restaurants, stores, etc.
I've look this up in because of translation it's hard to tell the exact policy. but most of those things have similar limitations to everything I'm seeing here.
They closed high schools and universities. They let young kids go back.
They had people voluntary social distance in banned groups over 50.

Using technology like cell phone tracking it appears that swedes interact at a rate around 30% of what they did before the pandemic.

Comparing this to something like South Dakota which is consistent with Sweden's population density, most of Sweden's success appears to be a lack of overall population density, the swedes natural propensity to isolate anyways, and the swedes group think on isolation where everybody went ahead and did it without ranting about their freedom and coughing at each other's face to prove how free they are.

Basically the policies that we're enacting right now and have done so since May are pretty close to what Sweden is doing and all we've done is exploded our cases.
Yes we had nearly every state locked down even if we didn't have a federal lockdown. But that was only a month, with various phases of undoing that ever since.

Either because of a population centers or Americans significantly different social habit, their model does not seem to be working here. (Although here is mostly my reference to Texas, as there's very heterogeneous response throughout the United States)


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I've look this up in because of translation it's hard to tell the exact policy. but most of those things have similar limitations to everything I'm seeing here.
They closed high schools and universities. They let young kids go back.
They had people voluntary social distance in banned groups over 50.

Using technology like cell phone tracking it appears that swedes interact at a rate around 30% of what they did before the pandemic.

Comparing this to something like South Dakota which is consistent with Sweden's population density, most of Sweden's success appears to be a lack of overall population density, the swedes natural propensity to isolate anyways, and the swedes group think on isolation where everybody went ahead and did it without ranting about their freedom and coughing at each other's face to prove how free they are.

Basically the policies that we're enacting right now and have done so since May are pretty close to what Sweden is doing and all we've done is exploded our cases.
Yes we had nearly every state locked down even if we didn't have a federal lockdown. But that was only a month, with various phases of undoing that ever since.

Either because of a population centers or Americans significantly different social habit, their model does not seem to be working here. (Although here is mostly my reference to Texas, as there's very heterogeneous response throughout the United States)
Before we get into all the differences in the American approaches. Population density, althought completely relevant needs to be applied in all examples. Ie, America has similar social behaviors to Canada. Canadians are acting all smug. No one lives in this big ass country. People are saying New Zealand did it right. Like Sweden it has built in population sparsity (is that even a word?).

Now regarding actual policies. America had a ptchwork of actual lockdowns, not lockdowns at all and everything in between. Throughout that time America did nothing about people traveling from one area to another and American media (and some governments) encouraged extremely large and irresponsible gatherings after admonishing other groups for far lesser actions. One thing you need to remember when you talk about Swedes being repsonsible and Americans compaining about freedom is that Americans were told "This won't be long and we'll be good. If we don't you're all going to die." The Swedes were told "Be careful but this isn't going to be a terrible imposition." The messaging is very different and both types of message are going to illicit different responses. American media is also painting a largely dishonest picture. America has a very unique set of stats different from everyone else, but I'm certainly not suggesting you folks are the beacon unto which the world should be looking.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Sweden took it on the face

Sure they felt ashamed the next few days when they looked in the mirror

Now it is life as usual and back to humping like rabbits, let them bang bro

More countries should have taken that covid viral load right on the face

Deleted member 1

Sweden took it on the face

Sure they felt ashamed the next few days when they looked in the mirror

Now it is life as usual and back to humping like rabbits, let them bang bro

More countries should have taken that covid viral load right on the face

That's an absolutely inaccurate picture of what Sweden did or is doing.

They are interacting at a rate around 30% of what they did prepandemic.

They socially distanced and shut themselves down at an individual level.

Stockholm's antibody exposure is the same as London. There's lots to take from here but one of the problems for the Sweden support is that they are not getting the herd immunity while simultaneously running a far higher per capita death rate then Finland or Norway for instance.

I'm all for discussing different responses to this virus. They're a pros and cons to lots of interventions including the social harms of forced policies.

But your description is pure fairytale talking points.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
That's an absolutely inaccurate picture of what Sweden did or is doing.

They are interacting at a rate around 30% of what they did prepandemic.

They socially distanced and shut themselves down at an individual level.

Stockholm's antibody exposure is the same as London. There's lots to take from here but one of the problems for the Sweden support is that they are not getting the herd immunity while simultaneously running a far higher per capita death rate then Finland or Norway for instance.

I'm all for discussing different responses to this virus. They're a pros and cons to lots of interventions including the social harms of forced policies.

But your description is pure fairytale talking points.
I hope you didn't take my post too seriously, it wasn't intended to be serious from the start as it was all sex innuendos.

I am just making posts that I find humorous today, check my metallica song post haha.

There are certainly a lot of variables involved

What do you make of Houston's own Carol Baker from the CDC video?

Deleted member 1

Before we get into all the differences in the American approaches. Population density, althought completely relevant needs to be applied in all examples. Ie, America has similar social behaviors to Canada. Canadians are acting all smug. No one lives in this big ass country. People are saying New Zealand did it right. Like Sweden it has built in population sparsity (is that even a word?).

Now regarding actual policies. America had a ptchwork of actual lockdowns, not lockdowns at all and everything in between. Throughout that time America did nothing about people traveling from one area to another and American media (and some governments) encouraged extremely large and irresponsible gatherings after admonishing other groups for far lesser actions. One thing you need to remember when you talk about Swedes being repsonsible and Americans compaining about freedom is that Americans were told "This won't be long and we'll be good. If we don't you're all going to die." The Swedes were told "Be careful but this isn't going to be a terrible imposition." The messaging is very different and both types of message are going to illicit different responses. American media is also painting a largely dishonest picture. America has a very unique set of stats different from everyone else, but I'm certainly not suggesting you folks are the beacon unto which the world should be looking.
I think I agree with most of this but...
I think that videos of people coughing on others and asking to be coughed on in the name of freedom... might be a uniquely American thing.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I think I agree with most of this but...
I think that videos of people coughing on others and asking to be coughed on in the name of freedom... might be a uniquely American thing.
Make no mistake, there was some very stupid shit that went on. No one would try to deny that.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
Correct, but no one wants to do that. People want to be able to participate in the activities they like. It's only other people they want locked down.

Ultimately time will tell. When this all shakes out I think Sweden's plan well end up aging better than North America's half in half out that both crippled the economy and is letting it spread like a small brushfire rather than full on wildfire.
I will agree that half in half out is the worst approach. Either go at the virus properly, or don't bother. Sweden's approach might age better than the US' but it won't age better than New Zealand's or China's if there is a vaccine relatively soon. If there is no vaccine any time soon, then Sweden's approach will ultimately win.