Personal @Passive Jay needs our help (not a joke)

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Jul 20, 2016
In case it is a comfort, I have two close relatives from two different generations who were each born with only one kidney, and they have both thus far lived for decades without any related incidents.

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
You watch to much fucking Harry Potter mang. They chopping his kidney off.

Passive Jay @Passive Jay will they put another one in there at some point or just leave the one?
Generally people are fine with 1. Kidneys are pretty remarkable in the way that they adjust and compensate for the other having a diminished or no function from it's mate.


too high to rigg
Oct 21, 2015
fuck cancer, you'll beat it! 10 - 8 Rounds bro~!!

I've put some funds down, it's not much but hope it helps.

WAR JAY~~!!!


First 100 ish
Jan 19, 2015
lol i made that one as joke when they were giving away t-shirts to new members.
What the fuck? When was that? These bastards wanna give shit away to newbies and not take care of the old timers. I’ve been around this place since the 1991.

I’m all seriousness, best of luck man. You’re gonna kick it’s ass.


First 100 ish
Jan 19, 2015
Generally people are fine with 1. Kidneys are pretty remarkable in the way that they adjust and compensate for the other having a diminished or no function from it's mate.
A childhood friend wrecked his motorcycle when he was 19 and lost a kidney. He has lived more than 20 years with just 1 kidney. 0 complications. And he’s a pussy, lol. If he can do it, Jay can handle it easily.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Saw this thread on Saturday but did not post, I sent a donation on go fund me to this man, granted it was a small donation, would do more if I could. PJ is a good dude, I remember him from that forum the Underground forums and also I remember he posts here sometimes too.

Really hope you pull through this man, all I can say is one day at a time and look for winning little battles and then the war is yours.

We got your back
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First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
You know we all bicker and bitch about shit on here at time, but threads like this really puts stuff in perspective. When you strip away all the fluff, its about family, friends and health.

Jay is a fighter, in the truest form. Brave guy to be so open you know.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
You know we all bicker and bitch about shit on here at time, but threads like this really puts stuff in perspective. When you strip away all the fluff, its about family, friends and health.

Jay is a fighter, in the truest form. Brave guy to be so open you know.
Jay is so open it is truly endearing.
u feel like u know the guy after all his threads about random shit and open thoughts