Yes, not every brown person is an upstanding citizen, pointing to a few instances of criminal, or disgusting, behaviour does not make the refugee crisis an invasion to take over Europe. There are ways to have an intellectual discussion about immigration, whether we can absorb Muslims into our culture, multiculturalism, and the influx that happened during the refugee crisis, without describing it as a book which has a narrative of an invasion of Europe committed by brown people and the correct solution is to kill them all.Is it really fear mongering if the cultural imbalance is tangible?
Personally, I think Germany went too far and accepted too many people in one go. There should be a limit on immigration from foreign cultures which allows for integration into our common culture. Also that we should do a better job at integrating those that do come, such as mandatory English(UK example) lessons, and other such programs. I don't think portraying them as invaders out to conquer us is productive, and I don't think the answer is killing them all.