General Terror attack at Mandalay Bay

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Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
absent any evidence of a conspiracy, you're the one willing to believe everything.
The conspiracy comes into play by the comments made by the suspects family and how they feel it was extremely out of character and he showed no signs of political / religion / extremist views, add in the fact the media on all networks are reporting the same exact narrative without a proper full investigation into the event by law enforcement..

Moving on, I'll let the conspiracy die down in this thread ..but personally I'd be watching these events and how the politicians / media/ celebs / Freemasons use the event to their favor.

"Order out of Chaos"

Andrewsimar Palhardass

Women, dinosaurs, and the violence of the octagon.
Jan 8, 2016
Ya I hadn't heard of this before but the stuff I read described it exactly how you do

It kind of makes sense if you listen to the shots, the firing isn't consistent at all like I would expect a true full auto to be

I've only shot guns twice so I'm a complete novice at gun related stuff
If you're curious, there are plenty of YouTube videos where people demonstrate what it does.

Andrewsimar Palhardass

Women, dinosaurs, and the violence of the octagon.
Jan 8, 2016
The conspiracy comes into play by the comments made by the suspects family and how they feel it was extremely out of character and he showed no signs of political / religion / extremist views, add in the fact the media on all networks are reporting the same exact narrative without a proper full investigation into the event by law enforcement..

Moving on, I'll let the conspiracy die down in this thread ..but personally I'd be watching these events and how the politicians / media/ celebs / Freemasons use the event to their favor.

"Order out of Chaos"
This happens a lot, though. You never know what's going on in a person's head. There are not nearly enough facts out there to call "Conspiracy" on this situation, so anybody who is speculating is doing so irrationally, and likely sees things through a conspiracy filter.


Aug 29, 2015
lueVelvet @lueVelvet I hope you and your family can come through this ordeal in a good place. What a tragedy.

Thanks for all of your information.
Thank you. We’re coping as best we can. I can only share what I know which has very little to do with the actual situation at hand.

I can sit here and make everyday comments about how this guy lived, what he believed etc but really, he was about as laid back as one can be and of course no one in the family imagined he would snap. I will say, there is a pattern of mental health issues on that side of the family so maybe something caught up with him and he just snapped? We don’t know and I fear we won’t ever know the full story here.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
not to sound cold, but the whitehouse statement just now mentioned the gospel of john. im a confirmed catholic, but i cant friggen stand the non-separation of church and state


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
not to sound cold, but the whitehouse statement just now mentioned the gospel of john. im a confirmed catholic, but i cant friggen stand the non-separation of church and state
Separation of Church & State is a bit of a fallacy. Pull out some of your money and give it a read for proof.

But I agree with you.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Separation of Church & State is a bit of a fallacy. Pull out some of your money and give it a read for proof.

But I agree with you.
u lost me with that idiom (keep iin mind, im certifiably dumb)

i hear ya tho in terms of there not being a separation of church and state in modern america. they pray and shit all the time and it drives me nuts bc it pretends that all americans are not only theist, but christian. apologies to all for the tangent.

white house briefing is live right now btw


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
*Wakes up*

Well I'll be a monkey's uncle.

So it appears to be a white man with no motive?
Like Charles Whitman?
Maybe a tumor?

These numbers are astounding.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
The ONE time I assume it's a Mohommed, it's a fucking Stephen.
For the record, I know SEVERAL bad Stephens...


Aug 29, 2015


ISIS seems to be doubling down on claiming responsibility & they have a pretty good track record of claiming only what they have done. The suicide isn't something an ISIS soldier would do, they want to take every life they can, so if there is something to this he didn't have a lot of training or guidance from them.
Sorry, things are weird now. ISIS must be trying to ride the wave of attention on this. The shooter was the last person to sympathize with something like ISIS.


Too weird to live, too rare to die.
Dec 2, 2015
Looking in twitter and FB, I really hate the assumptions people are making. Not because they’re insulting him (I could care less about that) but everyone is getting it so wrong. He wasn’t Muslim. He wasn’t liberal. He wasn’t a trumpite really (not that I can recall anyway).

Sorry for not being more detailed. Trying to not make assumptions here. Just relating what I knew about the guy to keep the dialog at least mildly accurate.

All I truly know is that I feel awful right now and no amount of fighting over gun laws, political views, or speculations about what happened will bring those folks back to their families. Truly a sad day for everyone involved.
Sorry to hear about this Lue....Stay away from the media and take care of that family bro.

Positive vibes going to you and yours.


Aug 29, 2015
Sorry to hear about this Lue....Stay away from the media and take care of that family bro.

Positive vibes going to you and yours.
Thanks. We made our public statements on FB and that’s it. Everyone who has knocked has been politely asked to leave. Hopefully you won’t see our faces on TV. :-/


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
Sorry, things are weird now. ISIS must be trying to ride the wave of attention on this. The shooter was the last person to sympathize with something like ISIS.
It's a sad world we live in when people are questioning the integrity of the upstanding, respected institution that is ISIS and instead relying on 'evidence' like actually knowing the guy and his family personally.


Nov 15, 2015
It's standard crowd dynamics that you see in almost every video like this around the world. Earthquakes fires shooters Etc.

It is crazy, but we are not in the panic mode having to decide the first small move -- hear some noise and be the first one to take the Sprint through a standing crowd?

Then once you're running, do the real time calculation of risk of running versus getting trampled well huddling in place versus getting shot in the back.

The crowds tend to pick up and lose momentum in unison. Everybody's looking for small social cues on what the right answer is and follow the person next to them usually.

All you can do is learn from these videos and attempt to play it out in your head a little bit so that if you ever have The Misfortune of Being in such a situation maybe that predetermined mental game and visualized muscle memory will get you to do the right thing more efficiently than the crowd could do.
It's entirely possible you may have missed your calling ever so slightly. The Human Psychology field needs you.


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
Listen to the shots again
People saying that if you buy the gun stock with bump fire it is not illegal
Again I'm just repeating what I've read so far and know nothing about these shots

Shouldn't a full auto be consistent firing?
I’ve shot and been shot at by full auto fire... that’s definitely full auto fire.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
This was going to be my original post but I don't want to get into "stats show that this isn't related" type argument as I don't know the numbers. Having said that I can't see any sound reasoning for a civilian to own an automatic weapon with that much ammo. It usually is justified with "because I can" or "it's my right". As a Canadian I will never understand Americans love for thier gun culture. It seems quite crazy tbh.
Do you realize our nation was founded by a violent revolution against the greatest military in the world, and that the deciding factor in the early stages was our citizens' access to infantry weapons?


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Again I don't know stats/numbers but I just can't see that what you posted is true. To say it does nothing but the above seems wrong.
consider the wide variety of firearms laws and restrictions in the US (and the world). If there was a causal relationship between firearm proliferation and violence, it would be apparent. But there's not even a correlation, which means absolutely no causation.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Do you realize our nation was founded by a violent revolution against the greatest military in the world, and that the deciding factor in the early stages was our citizens' access to infantry weapons?
Generally speaking yes.

consider the wide variety of firearms laws and restrictions in the US (and the world). If there was a causal relationship between firearm proliferation and violence, it would be apparent. But there's not even a correlation, which means absolutely no causation.
As I said I'm not up on stats at all so I'll leave this for somebody else to debate if they see something worth while.

member 3289

Do you realize our nation was founded by a violent revolution against the greatest military in the world, and that the deciding factor in the early stages was our citizens' access to infantry weapons?
He's from Canada, a country whose citizens still pay taxes to the British monarchy and a country which only achieved full sovereignty 2 years before I was born (I'm 33).

So to answer your question, no, I doubt it.
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